OP-ED: Universal Healthcare? Who Needs It!


An edited (yet no less sarcastic) version of this article was published in the Pantagraph on August 28th, 2019.

If you listen to the liberal Democrats, theyโ€™ll decry our current healthcare system of HMOs and PPOs: a system of freedom. Unlike most industrialized nations who have universal healthcare, we have a system where insurance companies are free to deny basic medical care to save a dime here and there. We have a system where pharmaceutical companies are free to gouge prices forcing diabetics to learn personal responsibility by rationing their insulin (the worst that could happen is merely loss of life, which is just a side effect of diabetes).

Yet, this freedom goes unappreciated by the Democrats. They complain that the U. S. spends nearly 17% of its GDP on health care while most nations pay 11%. This just means our great nation is willing to work that much harder to provide the best health care (if you can afford it of course).

Universal healthcare would make everyone dependent on the government. We need the free market to free us from the shackles of sickness. Sure, the U. S. has the lowest life expectancy of any industrialized nation, but what the Democrats fail to realize is you canโ€™t get sick if youโ€™re already dead. The wise insurance CEOs, pharmaceutical companies, and hospital administrators all understand that fact.

So, if you want lower infant and maternal mortality rates, no premuims, copays, fees, or deductibles, then put in place Medicare 4 All. But Medicare 4 All will only make health care profits less free, shackling those profits and making health care primarily about healing the sick. What kind of lesson are we teaching our children by showing them people donโ€™t have to go bankrupt just from getting sick? If children grow up thinking people are more important than profits, then surely Americaโ€™s wealth will dwindle. Universal healthcare? Who needs it!

This article was originally published at strangecornersofthought.com.


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