Thursday, July 25, 2024

Woman Accuses Normal Police of False Arrest & Excessive Force | ARREST FOOTAGE RELEASED!

Taylor Brown has filed a federal lawsuit against the Normal Police Department alleging she was falsely arrested, illegally had her phone seized from her,...

Notes on McLean County Jail Part 3

Another Justice Committee meeting and another vacuous episode of mostly geriatric County Board Members of a Caucasian persuasion salivating over Sheriff Sandage’s authority as...
Normal Police Politely Walk on Sidewalk Against Police Brutality Thumbnail

Normal Police Politely Walk on Sidewalk Against Police Brutality

For a whole eight minutes and thirty-four seconds, police politely marched on the sidewalk in Uptown Normal in utter disgust of police brutality. They then took a 46 second moment of silence in memory of George Floyd.

Black Lives Matter Even in Pekin

History was made on Saturday, June 6th, 2020 when the first ever Black Lives Matter protest occurred in Pekin, IL at the Tazewell County...

Does Systemic Racism Play in Peoria Part 4

There have been a number of public, private, and social attempts to address systemic racism in Peoria. What has been attempted? What has been...

Must We Burn Trudeau?

Justin Trudeau was the (neo)liberal pretty boy of the world’s liberals. Handsome, intelligent, well-spoken, and tolerant, his election to Prime Minister of Canada in...

Does Systemic Racism Play in Peoria Part 3

No discussion of systemic racism would be complete without including the experiences of non-white people of color. We must also analyze how migration has...

To Adult or Not To Adult

On July 13th, 2019, Zarious Malikai Fair was walking to his cousin’s house in the East Bluff. The 16-year-old had just received his first...

Does Systemic Racism Play in Peoria Part 2

Police are almost synonymous with oppression against people of color. Modern policing finds its origins in the slave patrols of the antebellum South after...

Does Systemic Racism Play in Peoria? Part 1

The answer to this question is obvious. There’s been a deluge of evidence showing the systemic inequalities in the Peoria area. In 2015, Peoria was...