Outing Aaron Schock Needs to Play in Peoria


Since the dropping of criminal charges of theft of government funds, fraud, making false statements and filing false tax returns, former U.S. Representative Aaron Schock has been testing the waters for a political comeback of some sort. He suggested he may take up lobbying, even admitting he could return to electoral office. Like most, I quickly called out Schock for being an unethical, privileged prick.

A point of contention for me personally involves his raging homosexuality.1 Not that there is anything wrong with being one. As a queer man, I myself have often dabbled in raging homosexual antics. Nor am I concerned about his desire to remain closeted. It should be considered bad form to out someone, as you may not realize whether it is even safe for that person to be outed.

But, there is an exception to the no-outing rule, an exception that applies especially to Schock: as an elected official, he voted multiple times for anti-LBGTQ+ legislation throughout his 6 years of service. In his first year in office, Schock voted against including sexual orientation, gender identity, and national origin into hate crimes. This cold-blooded reptile dressed in a midwestern Choir boy suit didn’t give two shits about stopping attacks against gays, trans people, or immigrants.

The Douchington of the 18th District, voted multiple times against equal pay for women, against the reproductive rights to abortion for women & trans men, against Equal Opportunity Workplace bills that would strengthen workers rights and reduce discrimination in employment, and voted against the DREAM ACT, an attempt to provide a pathway to citizenship to children brought here without documentation by their parents.

Schock twice voted against the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, the military policy of President Clinton that required all military members to remain closeted or risk discharge from the military. The very same military members he didn’t have a problem sending to Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan, Sudan, and Somalia.

Schock refused to support the legalization of gay marriage attempting to force the Department of Justice under President Obama to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and stating marriage is only valid for heterosexual couples.

I’ve had several liberals condemn me for pointing out Schock’s homosexuality. Honestly, I don’t know what makes me more livid: Schock’s hypocrisy or the white, cishet, liberals not staying in their fucking lane.

Let’s not be fooled by this conservative snake-oil salesmen. Aaron Schock has always been a conman with no morals. His self-hating2 gay-hypocrisy is just one facet of a dishonest and deplorable human being. Despite all charges being dropped, Schock was still required to pay back the IRS over $60,000 and was so incompetent he unknowingly misspent campaign money in the first place.

But we should have known all along. Back in 2001, he was a lowly notary republic. In his position, Schock notarized several documents while helping his father set up offshore tax havens, but he put down inaccurate dates. This offense is a misdemeanor, and the only reason Schock wasn’t charged at the time was because the statute of limitations had expired by the time it was discovered in 2008. Turns out he was a scam artist from the beginning.

So, Aaron, you can go fuck yourself. Your bigoted votes have harmed the LGBTQ+ community in multiple ways. And, to those who say we shouldn’t bring up his hypocrisy, stay in your fucking lane. To conclude, here are a bunch of news clips, pictures, and videos Aaron Schock totally not being gay.

This article originally appeared on strangecornersofthought.com.

  1. We can’t even call this an open secret anymore. For over 15 years, people within the Peoria area were well aware he was a closeted homosexual.
  2. Schock’s self-hatred is very deep. His father, Richard Schock a prominent medical doctor in Peoria, gave an interview to local news shortly after Schock’s resignation from office and his indictment. In the interview, unprompted, he said, “And he’s not gay. I know what people say.” One is almost inclined to feel bad Aaron before remembering the upper class white privilege bro lifestyle he was raised in and that, ironically, led to his downfall.


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