Someone call the white-shirts because local quack Connie Beard, who also happens to be the McLean County GOP president, went off the deep end with her opinion piece in the Pantagraph where she bewailed the loss of her dear leader Trump. She asserted baseless claims of voter fraud as the reason for Trump’s enormous failure in reelection.
Really? What statistical anomalies? Is it surprising that the person who lost the popular vote in 2016 by 3 million people, the person who never had an approval rating over 50% in his four years in office, the same person who again lost the popular vote this time by 5 million votes, didn’t win his election? How is it shocking that 80 million people hate Trump?
What repeated acts of fraud? The alleged accusations of voter fraud were never entered into the record of the nearly 60 court cases Trump lost. They weren’t entered because Trump’s team knows they’ll be committing perjury if they do. The voting machines used in several states create a separate paper copy with each ballot precisely for the purpose of auditing the votes and not a single one was found to be tampered with or changed votes. In fact, fake news organizations like Fox and Newsmax have had to air official retractions of voter fraud accusations against the companies who manufactured the election machines because they were at serious risk of losing in a libel case.
“We will only have faith in a system based on honest elections.” she says. Let’s just forget the fact that while Trump lost bigly (because he’s pathetic loser who couldn’t even beat Sleepy Joe Biden), Republicans kept control of the Senate and actually gained seats in the House of Representatives. Are their elections on the exact same machines invalid too? What about the fact the GOP maintained control of the McLean County Board and every county-wide executive seat: should we throw out those ballots too, Connie?
The reality is that Trump is the biggest sore loser in history, and neo-fascists like Connie Beard and the local radio station Cities 92.9 only care about democracy when it ends up in their favor; but are more than happy to throw democratic rules and norms out the window if it doesn’t favor their authoritarian & antidemocratic feelings. These people forget that facts don’t care about their triggered feelings regardless of how hard they try to create an alternative reality. Neo-fascists are mad that minority rule is becoming increasingly untenable in this country.
Thankfully, McLean County has a mental health triage program. Somebody notify them of the insanity of Quacky Connie.
This article was originally published on