Saturday, September 7, 2024
Home Philosophy


Philosophical content on moral, social, & political topics from Zach’s Strange Corners of Thought.

ABORTION: Debate of the Century with Philosophy for All

0 In the debate of the century, Joshua Yen and I wage philosophical warfare over the topic of abortion. We cover metaphysics, morality, legality, infanticide,...

A Brief History of U.S. Slavery

0 Was U.S. slavery different from other forms of slavery? Some commentators try to minimize the slavery’s impact on the United States. This is a...

Was U.S. Slavery Different? Responding to Candace Owens & Ben Shapiro

Was U.S. slavery different from other forms of slavery? Some commentators try to minimize the slavery’s impact on the United States. I respond to...

Race: The History of a Word

0 Historically, race has been an extremely important & commonly used word in the last like 500 years. But, like all words, the history of...

On Civil & Natural Law | Legendary Hobbes Quote

0 English philosopher Thomas Hobbes talks about how the Laws of Nature are the unwritten form of what becomes Civil Laws. Natural Laws are qualities...

The Sovereign Power is Never Unjust | Legendary Hobbes Quote

0 English philosopher Thomas Hobbes was famously known for his authoritarian philosophy that praised the rights of Absolute Monarchs. Hobbes seems to suggest that Laws,...

War of Every Man Against Every Man | Legendary Hobbes Quote

0 For English philosopher Thomas Hobbes, prior to societies, humanity existed in a state of nature. In such a state, value judgments are meaningless. Hobbes...

Was It God’s Fault? | Darrell Brooks & the Problem of Evil

0 The Waukesha Parade attacker, Darrell Brooks, blamed the Christian God for his actions on November 21st, 2021, when he murdered 6 people and injured...

What Makes A Law Lawful?

0 So-called sovereign citizens, like the Waukesha Parade attacker Darrell Brooks, frequently ask very silly questions during court proceedings. For instance, “Is that a lawful...

Your Utterances Are No Good Here: Darrell Brooks & the Sovereign Citizen Movement

0 In this episode of strange logic, we’re going to talk about Darrell Brooks, and why he doesn’t know how to do things with words....